
Common Threads Community Conversation

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Common Threads is about bringing people together to share needlework (knitting, crocheting, even sewing if you prefer), conversation, and get to know others from our community. It is as much about the conversation as the needlework.

Just as there will be a variety of knitting and crocheting techniques to discover, attendees can hope to have diverse viewpoints on topics of the day to share with new friends and neighbors!

Common Threads is as much about the conversation as it is about the handiwork. Our topic is “What Do You Think is the Most Important Issue Today”; and everyone will have an opportunity to share what they feel is the most important topic of the day, while we work.

Common Threads is NOT a political or religious discussion or a debate, it is an opportunity for neighbors to come together to listen and learn from each other while enjoying what we have in common, our needlework.

ALL are welcome. However, space is limited so reservations are required.

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