2025 Black History Live

The Black History Live tour is an annual recognition each February of the significant contributions African Americans have made and continue to make to art, culture, economic development, education, human rights, medicine, public services, politics, and sports. Chautauquans Becky Stone and Marvin Jefferson will portray Harriet Tubman and Louis Armstrong in several performances throughout Colorado. Find the full schedule of events on the Black History Live webpage.

Black History Live in the news

We are honored that Black History Live has received so much buzz! The Black History Live tour has been featured on 9News, AuroraTV, Colorado Public Radio, and Raven Sanchez’s 38th State Spotlights. Check them out in our bio and visit our website to find a performance of Marvin Jefferson as Louis Armstrong near you. 

Meet Rosie the Riveter

Meet Gail Beaton’s Rosie the Riveter on February 19 at the Robert J. Landgraf Center for Teaching Excellence in Westminster at 11 a.m. Between 1941 and 1945, Colorado had its own “Rosies” working at the Remington Arms Factory in Denver. Located at the site of the present-day Denver Federal Center, the Denver Ordnance Plant produced as many as six million bullets a day for U.S. troops. “Gail Murphy” is a composite character drawn from the records and memories of these women war workers.

Museum on Main Street Open in Gunnison

Crossroads: Change in Rural America is now open at the Gunnison Arts Center. This traveling Smithsonian exhibit takes a broad look at the characteristics of rural America, how an attraction to and interaction with the land formed the basis of rural America, and how these communities and small towns have evolved. This is the last stop on the Crossroads tour, so be sure to stop by!


Inspiring conversation and exploration of our shared cultural heritage



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