We deeply appreciate your generous donations for FY 2023.
Richard Ballantine
Margaret A. Coval
Michel Dahlin and David Ruchman
Gary Community Ventures
Debra Kalish
Taffy Lee
Brett Lobello
Kathleen Adams
Susan Anderson
Nancy M. Bolt
Debra Brinkhoff
Megan E. Freeman Burton
Lynn Couch
Deedee Decker
Ronald Else
Juliana Fajardo
Nancy Flood
Lola Farber Grueskin
Edward and Paula Hamlin
Mary Hickey
Belinda Hoover
Gail Kassan
Deborah King
Marnie Lansdown
Ellen Levy
Barbara MacDonald
Caroline Malde
Blair C. Miller
Raymond and Donna Morris
Sydney Nathans and Judith White
David Neusteter
Patricia Hill Pascoe
William Philpott and Shelby Balik
Gregory Robbins
Jason Salzman and Anne Button
Ruth Segal
Brynda Shingles
Jessica Speer
Georgia M. Tatom
Sandy Tucker
Gregory VanHoosier-Carey
Shelley Walchak
Kathryn Wilder
Elsa Wolff
Carol Airoldi
Sybil Barnes
David Boop
Hugh Burns
Judith Casey
Rich Cunningham
Ludie Dickeson
Vivian Sheldon Epstein
Ellen Fisher
Cristina Goletti
Beverly Hadden
John and Robin Hickenlooper
Amy Hoeven
Josephine Jones
Susan Keefer
Corinne Koehler
Robert Larkin
Dale and Linda Lovin
Jennifer Macias
Rochelle Mann
John P. Moran
Karen Murphy
Thor and Dana Nelson
Mary O’Neal
Gary and Joyce Pashel
Wanda Putnam
Leonard Rosenband
Tomas Santos
Michael and Jennifer Seman
Gary and Bobbi Siegel
Mark Stevens
Dennis Thompson
Kim Turner
Denise Vega
Michael Welsh
Carter Wilson
Gordon Yale and Jennifer Carver
Najla Amundson
Elizabeth Block
Betty Jo and Timothy Brenner
Daniel Burstein and Julie O’Connor
Robert and Virginia Chaput
George and Marion Curtis
Robert Donohue
Beth Etter
Jane Fitzgerald
Angel Gonzalez
Susan Hall
Will Holden
Vernon Jones Jr.
Kimberly Keith
Nancy Kubik
Sue Leever
Joyce Lozow
Don MacKendrick
Florence Mason
Moran & Long, LLC
Phil Nash
Sue Neufeld
Nancy Oswald
Veronica Patterson
Diana Regan
Barbara Rutstein
Jeffrey Schwartz
Janice Sheftel
Myron and Marguerite Smith
Paulette and Penfield Tate
Michael and Pegi Touff
Julie Van Camp
Wanda Venters
Michelle Wesley
Leah Davis Witherow
A gift in someone’s honor is a wonderful way to give to Colorado Humanities.
A special thanks to those who did.
In honor of John C. Crayton:
Brynda Shingles
In honor of Juliana Fajardo:
Angel Gonzalez
In honor of Deb Kalish:
Carol Airoldi and Jane Fitzgerald
In honor of Taffy Lee:
Gail Kassan, Joyce Lozow, Phil Nash, David Neusteter, Gary and Joyce Pashel, Jeffrey Schwartz, Jessica Speer, Gary and Bobbi Siegel, Michael and Pegi Touff, and Gordon Yale and Jennifer Carver
Colorado Sun
Unite for Literacy
David Benson
Cathy Cooper
Marnie Lansdown
Nicole Magistro
A special thanks to Cathy Cooper, whose gift was in honor of Juliana Fajardo
Colorado Creative Industries
Collegiate Peaks Bank/Glacier Bank
Colorado Film Commission
Colorado Water Conservation Board
Patricia Limerick
Poudre Heritage Alliance
Anna Baudino
Patricia Coe-Withington
Inge Munden
State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs
George Chelwick, Jr.
Gregg Kildow
Brian Werner
Margaret Allen
Anderson Business Resources
Greeley Rotary Club Foundation
Bernie and Ginny Kinnick
Don and JoAnn Mueller
Roche Constructors, Inc.
The Bond Family Foundation
Tointon Family Foundation
Stow Witwer
Allo Communications LLC/Allo Fiber
First Farm Bank
High Plains Library District
Mary Medearis
Richmark Holdings, Inc.
Robert Ruyle
The Weld Trust
Witwer, Oldenburg, Barry & Groom, LLP
John and Jane Adams
William and Stephanie Arries
Neil and Joyce Best
Betty Bloom
Sherrill Bostron
Scott and Cynthia Bright
Randy and Carol Bussey
Thomas and Jana Caldwell
Joel and Lorna Chapa
Corny Dietz
Harold and Carol Evans
Doris Fields
Bonnie Funk
Karen Goehring
Susan Guthmann
Stacy Heikes
Tony and Susan Herold
Nadine Hunt
Margaret Inskeep
Steve and Sue Kading
James and Darlin Krause
Catherine Maria Lasell
Richard and Barbara Maxfield
Dean Moore
Roger Morschauser
Martha Noe
Gene and Lin O’Hara
Linda Reiter and Daniel Podell
Barry Rothaus
James and Pamela Shaddock
Myron and Marguerite Smith
Roy Wardell
Anderson & Whitney, P.C.
Tannis Bator
Marjorie Black
Carol Bluestein
Robert Bradley
Bruce and Kay Broderius
Deanna Butherus
Joanie Carvajal
Bonnie Dean
Janis E. Dunn
David and Nancy Fehl
Marlin and Judy Frank
Scott and Carolyn Gattis
Darwin L. Guinn
John and Delia Haefeli
Larry H. Heinze
Richard and Jean Hoffman
William and Susan Hurt
Robert D. Johnson
Dale and Kathryn Kenyon
Maria Lahman
Ila J. Leavy
Gregory and Molly McIntosh
Jean Morgan
Jerry and Gwanetha Neff
Ken Norem and Sandy Magnuson
Lois Olson
Odie and Mary Roberts
Alan and Marion Ruge
Jim and Alice Smith
Mary Stack
Jerry and Nancy Weil
Douglas Armbrust
Barry Berlin
John and Janelle Blake
Mary Borg
Carol Brickley
Bobby and Brenda Burkett
David Caldwell
Centennial Rotary Club
Deborah DeBoutez and Bruce Cooper
John and Joletta Effinger
Gary and Karen Fentiman
Jim and Colleen Fullbright
Gale and Karen Giebler
LauraJean Guthmann
Donald Harris
Alberta Hergenreder
Richard Hough
Karen Inglis
Kenneth L. Jones
Cynthia Kinlund
Brian and Kim Larson
Megan Lowery
Susanne Miller
Jean Morrell
John and Theresa Nickens
Donna Reiber
Bruce W. Rosenthal
Anne Schenkman
Judith Smith
Jim and Michele Vetting
Michael Welsh
Anderson & Whitney, P.C.
Centennial Rotary Club
FMS Bank
Grace Pointe Senior Care Community
Larson Insurance Agency, Inc.
The Weld Trust
Baker Team Corporation at Sears Real Estate
Denver Region Toyota Dealers Advertising Group/McDonald Toyota
GB Dental Associates
Mountain Valley Bank
Sears Real Estate
Thomas & Tyler LLC
Kiwanis Club of Greeley, Inc.
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Uni Design
A special thanks to Barry Rothaus, whose gift was in honor of Gail S. Rowe
Buell Foundation
Empowering Communities Globally
The Weld Trust
National Endowment for the Humanities:
Sustaining the Humanities
through the American Rescue Plan
Robert and Elizabeth Barzdukas
Neil and Joyce Best
Maria Lahman
Kiwanis Club of Greeley, Inc.
Special Thanks to Supporters Our $40,000 Fundraising Challenge
in Honor of Margaret A. Coval
Tawnya Albright, Richard Ballantine, Sybil Barnes, Neil and Joyce Best, Nancy Bolt, Kathleen Brendza, Megan Freeman Burton, Maggie Coval, Richard Cunningham, Deedee Decker, , Ludie Dickeson, Juliana Fajardo, Beverly Hadden, Mary Hickey, Amy Hoeven, Deb Kalish, Josephine Jones, Corinne Koehler, Taffy Lee, Brett Lobello, Jennifer Macias, Blair Miller, John Moran, Karen Murphy, Leonard Roseband, Tomas Santos, Brynda Shingles, Jessica Spear, Georgia Tatom, Dennis Thompson, Sandy Tucker, and Leah Davis Witherow
The Colorado Humanities fiscal year begins on November 1 and ends on October 31.