
Relief Grants Awards Announcement

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CH CARES Humanities Relief Grants and Social Media Video Challenge award recipients will be announced today.


Decisions are final and may not be appealed. Successful applicants will receive detailed grant management and reporting instructions. Awardees are expected to familiarize themselves with all requirements as outlined in the grant agreement and supplemental grant administration materials, and to attend (or view a recording of) an online orientation session. All funds will be disbursed upon the approval of the signed grant agreement. While we aim to make this process as timely as possible, receipt of grant funds can take up to 14 days.


Grantees are required to acknowledge the support of Colorado Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities CARES Act in program and publicity materials, cooperate with Colorado Humanities publicity and evaluation protocols, communicate any major changes to the situation, and submit a final report, documenting activities, expenses, and outcomes at the conclusion of the award period.


Funds must be expended in the grant period, between the receipt of funds and October 31, 2020.

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