Great Lives in Colorado History / Pesonajes Importantes de la historia de Colorado

Our Great Lives in Colorado collects 33 bilingual little biographies written for elementary readers by Colorado teachers.  Each book contains relevant historical photos and a wealth of information for young or learning readers. These make great gifts for school libraries and children, grandchildren, and young friends!

We partnered with Denver Public Schools and Filter Press to produce this excellent series of books in an effort to help make the stories of Colorado history and its people more accessible to our Young Chautauqua students.  Each individual “flip book” includes English and Spanish translations, historical photographs, study questions, glossaries, timelines and bibliographies.  Educators and librarians have long wanted more Colorado history, particularly biography, written and designed for young scholars, and we are happy to announce that the Great Lives in Colorado History series is not easily available from Filter Press.

Click here to order your books now. *As individual books or as full sets, these biographies make wonderful gifts for your own child, grandchild, library or school. Available through Filter Press.

The following titles in the Great Lives in Colorado History series are available through Filter Press:

Filipe and Dolores Baca: Hispanic Pioneers (Pioneros Hispanos)
Katherine Lee Bates: Author of “American the Beautiful” (Autora del Poema “American the Beautiful”)
Fannie Mae Duncan: Entrepreneur (Empressaria)
John Dyer: Snowshoe Preacher (El Predicaor de las Raquetas de Nieve)
Justina Ford: Baby Doctor (La Doctora de los Bebés)
Elbridge Gerry: The Paul Revere of Colorado (El Paul Revere de Colorado)
Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales: Chicano Activist (Activista Chicano)
Emily Griffith: Opportunity for All ((Oportunidades para Todos)
Bill Hosokawa: Journalist (Periodista)
Frances Wisebart Jacobs: Denver’s Mother of Charities (La Madre de las Organizaciones Benéficas de Denver)
Benjamin Lindsey: Father of the Juvenile Court (Fundador de los Tribunales de Menores)
Otto Mears: Pathfinder of the San Juan Mountains (El Precursor de las Carreteras de las Montañas de San Juan)
John Wesley Powell: American Hero (Héroe de los Estados Unidos)
John Routt: Colorado’s First Governor (El Primer Gobernador de Colorado)
Richard Russell: City Leader (Líder de la Ciudad)
Florence Sabin: Scientist and Teacher (Científica y Profesora)
Hazel Schmoll: Colorado Botanist (Botánica de Colorado)
Kate Slaughterback: Legendary Rattlesnake Kate (La Legendaria Serpiente de Cascabel)
Chin Lin Sou: Chinese-American Leader (Un Líder Chinoamericano)
August Tabor: Enterprising Pioneer (Una Pionera Emprendedora)
Helen Hunt Jackson: Colorado’s Literary Lady (La Dama de las Letras de Colorado)
Doc Susie: Mountain Doctor (Doctora de la Montaña)
Little Raven: Chief of the Southern Arapaho (Jefe de los Arapahoe del Sur)
Barney Ford: Pioneer Businessman (Empresario Pionero)
Ralph Carr: Defender of Japanese Americans (Defensor de los Japonesesamericanos)
William Bent: Frontiersman (Hombre Fronterizo)
Charles Boettcher: Colorado Businessman (Empresario de Colorado)
Josephine Aspinwall Roche: Humanitarian (Filántropa)
Robert Speer: Denver’s Building Mayor (El Alcalde Constructor de Denver)
Chief Ouray: Ute Chief and Man of Peace (Jefe Yuta y Hombre de Paz)
Enos Mills: Rocky Mountain Conservationist (Un Ecologista de las Montañas Rocosas)
Zebulon Pike: Explorer and Military Officer (Explorador y Oficial Militar)
Clara Brown: African-American Pioneer (Pionera Afroamericana)