
History Live Durango — Marie Curie Chautauqua Portrayal by Susan Marie Frontczak

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Presented by Fort Lewis College Lifelong Learning , Colorado Humanities, and Southwest Colorado Humanities Roundtable
Location: 130 Noble Hall, Fort Lewis College
Contact: Gary Rottman, gsorcer@hotmail.com

Marie Curie – scientist, mother, and teacher – changed our world through her discovery of radium and radioactivity. From the political oppression of her childhood, to scientific emergence and fame, this is a life that speaks to the tenacity of the human spirit and the enduring allure of scientific discovery. Time travel back to 1915 to hear the story of this introverted, focused scientist who discovered a new element whose compounds really do glow in the dark. Few understand the obstacles she faced just to get into the laboratory or the path that led to two Nobel Prizes. Program includes an in-character presentation, a Q&A with  “Marie Curie” and a Q&A with the presenter.

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